Anyone ever ordered from Nourse Farms? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I'm opening up a field for strawberries this summer and have been looking for good sources of strawberry plants that are close by, as I've heard that strawberries shipped from other parts of the country don't do as well. I wanted to use Johnny's but they are charging exorbitant prices (close to $1 a plant)...found Nourse Farms in Deerfield, MA selling them for 25 or 30 cents a plant, and wanted to know if I would actually get good plants next spring for my 30 cents or a bundle of dry sticks.

-- Alice (, March 22, 2002


ms. alice, i belive you would be safe ordering berries from most dealers in your climatic zone. you have a long day length & serious winters so most any grower who shares that w/ you should have regionaly adapted plants for your garden.

there are a ton of strawberrie suppliers in MI,MN , & other northern states for you to choose from. lucky you! southern grown berries are few & far in-between for me, but i'm happy w/ this years purchase of cardnial & chandlers from simmons berry farm.

sorry i have not ordered from norse farms, they did send me a catalogue of pretty conifers that would turn into brown sticks down here tho! :)

-- bj pepper in C. MS. (, March 22, 2002.

BJ - can you suggest a few MN suppliers to check out? Thanks.

-- Trisha-MN (, March 22, 2002.

Hello Alice. I ordered from Nourse Farms 2 years ago and didn't have any complaints about the plants. They were in good shape and would order from them again except that I didn't get a catalog this year (we moved & I think it went to the old house). Amy

-- Amy (, March 22, 2002.

Thanks for the info. We did get a catalog but didn't know if they were reliable. Sure do love the forum!

-- Hank (, March 24, 2002.

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