Polaroid 545I questiongreenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I've just received a 545I that is made to go on my 600 SE Polaroid system. I've always wanted to shoot 4X5 readyloads in the big Mamiya. When I measured the distance from the ground glass out to the body edge, and compared it to the 545's pressure plate with no film there is just over 1 mm difference. Not having any film packs here to compare with, I'm surious if the film support will raise that film 1 mm farther out or if it will be exactly where the pressure plate is now in which case I'll have a problem. Anybody know? To clarify, the 545 pressure plate is 1+ mm further into the camera than the focusing ground glass is.
-- Jim Galli (jimgalli@lnett.com), March 22, 2002
the best test: mount it on the Mamiya and use several sheets of Type 55 and shoot a fixed target -- a sheet of nespaper that has lots of type on it at various f/stops (camera needs to be tripoded).
-- Ellis Vener Photography (ellis@ellisvener.com), March 22, 2002.