Information about ITALIAN LEICA MAGAZINE... : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I have heard Italian Leica distributor publish a high quality magazine about Leica cameras. Anyone get information about this publication and the way to subscribe, price, number of issues per year.....Thanks....Jean-Pierre Auger, Montréal.

-- Jean-Pierre Auger (, March 22, 2002


Jean-Pierre: You may be looking for "Classic Camera" magazine, a quarterly published in Milan. Go to The magazine is distributed in the US by Zoom; P.O. box 1270, New York, NY 10157-2078. It's printed in both English and Italian in each issue and has great articles on not only Leica, but all the 20th century classics from Hasselblad to Zeiss. Cheers, Pat.

-- Pat Dunsworth (, March 22, 2002.

The website is

-- Pat Dunsworth (, March 22, 2002.

i love (and subscribe to) classic camera. great article in the last (?) issue about zeiss folders. never seen a more comprehensive list of models and variations.

-- roger michel (, March 22, 2002.

Jean-Pierre, the magazine you mentioned is named Leica Magazine. It is published quarterly and you can ask information to the italian Leica distributor (Polyphoto). I could not find their internet site, so try this link: Ciao

-- Claudio Colella (, March 23, 2002.

Yes it's very high quality. I've got a photo essay running in the next issue they tell me. Have no idea what they are going to do with it though. What the heck, I'll try (almost) anything once.

-- dave yoder (, March 24, 2002.

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