leica m3

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I possess LEICA M3 743515 ;LENS F=5CM 1:2 Nr.1215361 and LENS Hektor f=13,5 1:4,5 Nr.715685 and lucimer S AGFA. COMPLETE ACCESSORIES IS IN IT ORIGINAL BAG D.R.G.M.&OTHERS No.427897. Please can you tell me how much does it worth thanx

-- erdol (mujacic@yahoo.com), March 23, 2002


Worth depends on condition of the equipment and if everything is working properly.

-- chris a williams (LeicaChris@worldnet.att.net), March 23, 2002.

Erdol: I agree with Chris. Everything depends on the condition of the equipment and what it looks like cosmetically. This applies to the body as well as to the lenses and other equipment.Best of luck finding the dollar value for your collection.

-- John Alfred Tropiano (jat18@psu.edu), March 23, 2002.


You have a very early M3 made in 1955. The M3's were started in 1954. Your M3 is the first version since the camera does not have a view selector lever on the right side(looking at the camera). If in excellent condition with everything working, I would guess the price at $800-900. Maybe higher if in mint condition, or lower if in beater condition. If you had close-up photos of the camera, it would be easier to see.

The Hektor lens was made in 1949 and is a common Leitz lens, usually going for $150-300 again, depending on condition.

The Summicron 50mm lens was made in 1954 and was probably sold with the M3 originally. This is the first version Summicron and goes for around $200-300 as long as the glass is clean and free from fungus or fogging.

What item is the #427897?

Hope this is some help to you. Leica prices go up and down all the time depending on what collector's are buying at the time. The market seems to be slow at the present time.

-- chris a williams (LeicaChris@worldnet.att.net), March 23, 2002.

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