gourd seeds

greenspun.com : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

I just made 4 martin houses out of the gourds I grew last year and have lots of seeds. The package last year said bushel basket gourds but they are not as big as a bushel basket. The gourds that I cleaned out were about 14 inch across , they are the ones that martin houses are made out of that are big at the bottom and come to a point on top. Plenty big enough to make bowls and other crafts out of. I'll trade for other seeds or whatever.

-- Anonymous, March 23, 2002


Sherry what kind of seeds do you need -----or would want to trade for????

-- Anonymous, March 24, 2002

Hi Sherry, I also would love to trade for some of these seeds. I tried to grow these once, and planted them in a bad location, I think. I have a sunnier spot in mind this year. What kinds of seeds are you looking for? Flowers? I have some HUGE pink peony poppy seeds that are reported to grow 6-7" in diameter, haven't grown them yet. These make HUGE pods, also, for drying and saving, or whatever. Or many other flowers, even some native PNW plants. E-me with your wants, K?? Garden Smiles! Linda

-- Anonymous, March 24, 2002

Those poppies sound lovely, I'll email you in the morning. I'll trade for most any flower seeds or heirloom veggies. I've already got to many tomatoe seeds planted so I don't need them.

-- Anonymous, March 24, 2002

Hi, Sherry. Would you like to trade for columbine seed? I have two types, solid purple and purple with white centers.

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2002

Hi Sherry, You have mail;)) Take care! Linda

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2002

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