Enameling Leicas

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

How does enameling a Leica that was chrome affect its value? How about Leicas that are formed from parts.

Thank you,

Chad Hahn

-- Chad Hahn (thehahns@cornhusker.net), March 23, 2002


on ebay it seems to convert a 1200$$ m4 into a 3000$$ collectible. all kidding aside, it probably doubles the value of an undented by highly marked m2/3/4 but probably has no effect on a mint version of the same camera (indeed, probably decreases the value a bit). the m6 cannot be enameled easily since there is no brass substrate, except on the bottom. for some examples of ncely painted cameras, check www.rapidwinder.com. also look on ebay for a nicely painted m4.

-- roger michel (michel@tcn.org), March 23, 2002.

It cost $500 to have it done, and seems to add about $500 to the value.


-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), March 23, 2002.

Enameling? Really?

-- Mani Sitaraman (bindumani@pacific.net.sg), March 23, 2002.

Hello Chad: It only adds so much to the value of the camera if you sell it to someone who does not know how to check, if this camera fits into the official productionrange of the time. If you like the black camera for your own use itīs fine to have it changed. Quite sure, there are a few fakes around, perhaps even with reengraved numbers to make it fit.

Best wishes

-- K. G. Wolf (k.g.wolf@web.de), March 24, 2002.

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