pro. color labs in Manhattan? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I think that was already asked once, but I cannot find the answer. I need names and locations of recommended color labs in Manhattan. I need the negatives to come out REALLY nice, clean and without scratches. I keep getting little scratches, especially on the first few frames of some of the negatives. (btw, could it be the fault of one of the two M6 bodies I use?). thanks for any advice.

-- rami (, March 25, 2002



-- Mark Sampson (, March 25, 2002.

A lot of pros use Color Edge on W. 21 St. street between 5th and 6th Avenue, closer to 6th. On the south side of the street.

-- David (, March 25, 2002.

Hard to picture not being able to find a pro lab in Manhatten. I can remember getting 3 hour turn around on Kodachrome there. However you may have a hard time finding a inexpensive pro lab. Then again I hear business has been way down since 911. Try

dr5 inc NYC 307 W 38th st #1910 NY.NY 10018


Or check out his web site at ( html )

-- Alfred Henry (J, March 25, 2002.

thanks for the comments so far. Alfred, it is not that I did not find a pro lab. I use Duggal, and I love their service. but I get these scratches on my negs. since I scan most of them, it matters allot. I was not asking for names of pro-labs, which I have many, but recommendations for places that will give me perfect negs. thanks again.

-- rami (, March 25, 2002.

Here is a link listing a lot( if not all ) of pro labs in ny . I personally have had good experiences with carol color .

-- leonid (, March 25, 2002.

Thanks leonid, that's grate. if anybody has any specific recommendations for clean negs, I would still appreciate it. btw, could anybody say a word about the possibility that one of my bodies scratches the negs?

-- rami (, March 25, 2002.


Go to Diapositive on Bond St., just off Lafayette. In my experience working for the 'big names' in NYC, everyone swears by it. Expensive, but worth it.


-- gregory g. allen (, March 25, 2002.

To help prevent scratches on negs, my photo processor suggests that exposed film rolls should ALWAYS be put pack in the cannisters. The tiniest piece of grit picked up by the felt edges of the unprotected exposed rolls can badly scratch film. Best, Don

-- Donald Wansor (, March 25, 2002.

Try Spectra, 44th Street, between and 3rd and Lexington. They are topnotch.

-- edgaddi (, March 25, 2002.

thanks all for the input. I am goiong to try the places you have recommended. does anybody have a word on the chances the scratches are from one of the bodies? thanks again,

-- rami (, March 25, 2002.

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