Wanted...bees, loom, weaving or building booksgreenspun.com : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread |
I need some bees. Either a hive or package(danged mites got mine). I also need a loom. I'm interested in books on weaving or building. I have home spun yarn to trade or might have something else you'd be interested in. I might even be able to get hubby to help with a trade(hint: look at my email address).
-- Anonymous, March 25, 2002
Amanda, What kind of loom are you looking for? Sally
-- Anonymous, March 26, 2002
I'd really like a floor loom or a table loom....preferably a 4 harness but I'd consider any kind.
-- Anonymous, March 26, 2002
Amanda-I have a paperback book-Weaving a handbook of FiberArts, Second edition, by Shirley E. Held, pub 1978, that I bought for a college class years ago, I bought it for $25.45 used at a collge book store-it was a college text, so I imagine its pretty good-I ended up not being able to take the class, and at this point in my life I doubt I'll take up weaving-I have too much other stuff I want to do! (I have to limit my crafts or they would take over the house!) But I love knitting and crocheting-would you perhaps be interested in swapping some handspun wool for it? Let me know.....
-- Anonymous, April 03, 2002