1.25X Magnifier

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Can the 1.25 magnifier be combined with one of the diopter correctors so that eyeglasses can be avoided?

-- Albert Knapp MD (albertknappmd@mac.com), March 26, 2002


Yes. It has the threading just like the camera eyepiece. In fact, you could thread one or more 1.25x magnfiers together if you really wanted to.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), March 26, 2002.

Thank you, Jay!!

-- Albert Knapp MD (albertknappmd@mac.com), March 27, 2002.

I just pulled the brochure that came w/ my 1.25x & it confirms Jay's comments. It's designed for diopters.

-- Patrick (pg@patrickgarner.com), March 27, 2002.

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