Fertilized Guinea Eggs

greenspun.com : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

Have (for a time, at least) fetilized guinea eggs aplenty! We have mostly the Pearl, a very few Lavender. These are free-range guineas. Many of our flock were hatched out by our very own Mamma Guineas, so there is at least the tendency towards setting and hatching in this flock! Will sell or trade for something. I can ship these for about $8.00, that includes insurance.

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2002


Wendy, I'd be interested in a couple dozen--I have some adult guineas, but doubt that they will lay any eggs where I can find them, as they are starting to range around the neighboring pastures. Can you email me details as to how you want to conduct this? Thanks, Jan

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2002

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