Any dairy goats in East TN? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am looking for a diary goat farm in the East TN, SW Virginia, NW North Carolina area. Local telephone books and newspapers don't list any and can't find any on the Internet. Feed stores don't know of any locally, only meat goats. I need some hands-on assistance as I'm sure I'm not milking correctly and am willing to be taught. If anyone can help me find a local goat dairy or even someone with one or two goats that they milk, I would appreciate it greatly.

-- Mary in East TN (, March 27, 2002


Hey Mary,

I am in Sevierville and have friends that raise meat and milk goats and could possible provide the answers you need. Their names are John and Robin email me for phone number.

Ben Wilson

-- Ben (, March 27, 2002.

Local farm supply store by me, the owner keeps and milks goats. I'm in Rogersville and if you email me I'll give you the name and number.

-- Emil in TN (, March 27, 2002.

What part of tennessee are you in, near what town.If you haven't gotten the help you need yet,I might be able to help.

-- SM Steve (, March 28, 2002.

I know of a few dairy goat breeders in the regions you mentioned. There is Sunrise Meadows in TN, don't have their website, but it will come up on a search. I also suggest joining the list, its the weekend and folks post what they ahve for sale. Or you can post your ad, or if you'd like I can post it for you. Also try going to then to breeders, then goats then the breed you want and the state, it will give you the listings. Hope this helps. If you'd like, e-mail me privately for more breeder contact information.

-- Bernice (, March 30, 2002.

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