430EZ flash with FTb & FD lenses?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread |
I inherited an FTb and FD lenses, and just discovered this site. Is it possible to use my 430EZ flash in manual mode (which I had used with an EOS Elan that I sold) with an FTb? The flash unit doc says don't use it with non-EOS cameras or the unit *may* be destroyed, but I thought maybe this was just there to protect Canon if they hadn't official tested it. Anyone try this? And if so, any words of advice?
-- Dorene Sykes (dwood53@yahoo.com), March 27, 2002
I don't believe there will be any damage operating a new flash on an TTb but...One quick way is to cover up the four extra pins on the flash shoe with thin, tough insulating tape. The one pin in the center is needed to trigger the flash and must be left uncovered.
Also, there are hotshoe adapters that fit in between the flash and the body and bring out the synchronization signal to a cord that plugs into the flash connector on the body. Hama and other companies make gizmos like this.
-- Duane K (dkucheran@creo.com), March 28, 2002.