Country cookin, Soup bildin and [Christian Preachin] : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Country cookin ain't too difficult--that is if ya'll ain't afeered a messin up the kitchen. I decided this evenin I was hongry for something different than little dainty amounts of old dead chiken. I scrounged around and found some hamburger Lil Dumplin had bought over the weekend for to make cheeseburgers for our little grandson. I have just recently started to quit eatin red meat but this night was different. I HAD ground beef so I used it. Dumped it in a big blue enamel kettle along with a head of cabbage, two cans corn, two cans green beans, 4 onions 4 taters, can peas, can carrots, two cans smashed maters and quart of mater juice. Boiled it for 2 hours and et like a hog.

In the process of openin the quart mater juice can-I decided a new T drinkin can was in order. My old mater juice can was gettin kind scruffy and not really acceptable for a state [I'm fix'n to ask W out for grub] supper---so I kept the new mater juice can for "formal" grub et'n times. I even thought about giv'n it a coat of bright red paint but Lil Dumplin decided that red would clash with her hair. She's a redhead, ya'll know!

In addition to all this soup bildin, grub ettin, mater juice can savin--this big dumb hillbilly done and lost my specs. That's ok tho--I got tired a horse'n those heavy things back on my big old ugly nose. I'll just do without'm thankee.

Ole sis, my most favorite niece in the whole wide world, is a maker of "hoot donuts" and a rite smart one at that. I just keep hint'n and she just keeps build'n'm for this old hick. As long as she builds'm I'll just keep on braggin on'r and et'n'm. I think I have a good deal a goin rite now. Hope nobody talks'r outta buildin'm.

Spring is fast approachin the midwest. Storm season will be here before we know it. Time to prepare for your emergency plans so nobody will be lost to the elemements. Time to also start think'n about gettin your a/c looked at and in operatin condition.

The fires of hell are unquenchable and unending for all that are in that horrible place. The time limit for that stay is eternal. Don't let satan try to convince you that hell doesn't exists or if it does that God wouldn't send you there. He's partially true--God WON'T send you there. You send yourself there -by rejecting Jesus Christ. Something to think about while there is still time. After you leave this life it's too late. old hoot. Matt.24:44

-- old hoot gibson (, March 27, 2002


Hoot, good to see you posting again.

Now you have gone and done it. I too recycle some cans. I got started after thinking about the mugs an old neighbor made out of Coors beer cans back in the '50s. He twisted wire handles for them, then soldered them on. 'Course that was before aluminum cans. Hm, wonder if his kids still have them?

I found that canned chow mein cans are ideal. They are lined with some sort of coating, nice and white. Good for those Ramen noodle dinners to be made in. lol.

Yup, a good way to make the buffalo on a nickel holler from being squeezed so tightly.

-- Notforprint (, March 27, 2002.

Hoot Hope you find your glass' but hope they arent in the bottom of the soup pot. Well if they are youll find them sooner or later.

-- dale (, March 27, 2002.

The soup sounds great Hoot. Sounds like you cook kind of like I do. Build a meal around what's handy.

-- Murray in ME (, March 28, 2002.

Great idea, Hoot! I love to get creative like that. See, you're an artist, and probably didn't know it. I'm going to sound stupid, but that never stopped me before...what are 'hoot donuts'? By the way, did you know that grass-fed beef has a MUCH better ratio of healthy fats to saturated fats than traditional grain-fed beef? Puts it more on line with fish. It tastes so different, I can believe it! I can give you a web addy giving the details if you're interested. I was trying to give it up for health reasons but was having a hard time. This was good news for me! God bless, have a great day! Amy

-- Amy (, March 28, 2002.

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