thermaphot processors : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Dear all, I have been offered a thermaphot processor (acp 302) for a very good price. Does anybody have experience of these units/could anybody comment on their suitability for b+w rc work (I currently use nova tanks and ilford mg4. Any feedback would be appreciated, as ever. Steve

-- steve (, March 28, 2002


probably few people use them because they are so derned expensive! I dont use one either, but I can offer that Thermaphot stuff is high quality. I have an ICP42 Ilfochrome processor which was made by them. I know Wing-lynch distributes them;you might look at their web page if you havent already

-- Wayne (, March 30, 2002.

If it will run RA4, you can do b&w rc no problem...I have an older Thermaphot that I use for this purpose and it works great....if you need any help, feel free to drop me a line....WL is the current US distributor though, and I think that model is still in production. Here's a link to the Thermophot site:

-- DK Thompson (, April 01, 2002.

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