Kodak digital picture of my Leica M3! :)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I just got back my M3 DS back from the repair shop at Tamarkin's. Beautiful and well-machined no doubt. I decided to offer up a picture of it to those who are interested in its looks. So here it is: Alfie's Leica M3 + Voigtlander VC meter + Minolta/Leitz M-Rokkor 40mm lens.

Just another fun picture from Alfie's Leica collection. My screw mount Leica is: Alfie's Leica IIIc converted to BD IIIf + Voigtlander Ultron 28mm lens.

Not too bad. I just wish that there were a macro function on my cheap Kodak digital camera.

-- Alfie Wang (leica_phile@hotmail.com), March 30, 2002


Next time try to get the subject in focus.

-- Bert Keuken (bkkn@wanadoo.nl), March 30, 2002.

Nice shot of the dish rack.

-- Donatello Nobodi (Dnobodi @hotmail.com), March 30, 2002.


You have the same hand grip that I have.

Do you like the little tab behind the handle that DIGS into your vulcanite?

I didn't, so I cut it off and placed some stiff foam behind the handle in its place so I wouldn't torque the bottom plate too much - it may lead to a light leak.

BTW, you're supposed to take pictures WITH the M3 not of the M3 , 8*).

-- chris chen (chrischen@msn.com), March 30, 2002.

Can you see that the dish rack is what is in focus? Back up until the camera you're photographing is at that distance, then edit the image file to crop it to the camera.

-- Godfrey (ramarren@bayarea.net), March 30, 2002.

Alfie, get rid of the dish rack, back up with your digital to improve focus as suggested, and try to include both cameras in the same shot so as to use the full frame area, which will then be larger. And post the result for us!

-- Bob Fleischman (RFXMAIL@prodigy.net), March 30, 2002.

I thought it was me who had the strange sense of humour.Loved the dish rack,more please.

-- Allen Herbert (allen1@btinternet.com), March 30, 2002.

M looked great too

-- Allen Herbert (allen1@btinternet.com), March 30, 2002.

hey gang, ease up, soft focus is a classic technique in glamour photography, especially when the subject is an aging star with afew wrinkles (or brite marks). in any event, i know what an m3/iiic-f looks like -- a dish rack i haven't seen in years!!

-- roger michel (michel@tcn.org), March 30, 2002.


Did you shoot it before or after you washed it!



-- Jerome R. Pfile, Jr. (JerryPfile@msn.com), March 30, 2002.

Jerome: obviously shot after it was washed with Prell - that's why its hair is frizzy. ;-)

Alfie: You might be better served by either staging a more "commercial" setting for your new M3, or tell a story by placing it in a still life that suggests its destiny to document the beauty or stife in life. Giving more thought to the setup and execution of your images will improve the results.

-- Ralph Barker (rbarker@pacbell.net), March 30, 2002.

That photo above is what it is all about.Great Photograph.

-- allen1@btinternet.com (allen1@btinternet.com), March 30, 2002.

Ralph, your photo is great, but the camera is blocking the dish rack.

-- Richard (rvle@yahoo.com), March 30, 2002.

It makes me want to cry, Ralph. The beauty and emotion you captured in that one shot says it all. It's what

-- Dennis Couvillion (couvilaw@aol.com), March 30, 2002.

(Ooops!) ...It's what Leica photography is all about. It's why we take pictures. It's why we choose black cameras over silver. Well done, Ralph.

(Alfie: Have you ever thought about selling all the Leica crap and going digital? Give it some thought.)


-- Dennis Couvillion (couvilaw@aol.com), March 30, 2002.

FWIW the "IIIc converted to IIIf black dial" in the picture is actually a III or IIIa with added flash sync.

-- Robert Marvin (marvbej@earthlink.net), March 30, 2002.

Ralph, you're much too nice to your camera. What your camera is to my camera, this girl is to this guy.

-- Mike Dixon (mike@mikedixonphotography.com), March 30, 2002.


If you offer this type of Photo on a Leica Forum you are going to get good fun banter.You are a braver man than me.However ,a real photo came out of it,we can all learn from it.So thanks Alfie...all in good fun.Regards Allen

-- Allen Herbert (allen1@btinternet.com), March 30, 2002.

Nice Shot of the Guy Mike,

Looks like it's from the Blind Pig. 8*0

-- chris chen (chrischen@msn.com), March 30, 2002.

Mike: I can make it more homely, but still no dings or scratches. ;-)

-- Ralph Barker (rbarker@pacbell.net), March 30, 2002.

What's with all the matchbooks?

-- Arseon (firebug@bongload.com), March 31, 2002.

Holy Summicron, Ralph, those are great shots! Mike, your portraits are always a delight! Alfie, how about giving us more focused shots of your two Leicas, or perhaps shoot one with the other instead of using your "cheap Kodak digital camera"?

-- Hoyin Lee (leehoyin@hutchcity.com), March 31, 2002.

I've never taken a photo of my equipment sculptural as it is.

I guess Alfie has found his true love.

Alfie, have you named your cameras yet: OZZIEM3, Princess? 8*)

-- chris chen (chrischen@msn.com), March 31, 2002.

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