anyone want a couple of useless hounds : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Son will soon be leaving home and has a couple of dogs he can't take with him. We would like for some one to have these animals. One is a beagle about 3 and a black and tan-walker mix about 5. Both are males. Just big ole pets. Anyone interested just e-mail us. we are in the North Georgia area.

-- dee (, March 30, 2002


dee - sorry, can't help you. But, I can put in a few words of encouragement to others! :-)

My son had black and tans and walkers for a while. He was into coon hunting big time for a bit. He used them for hunting and for show. Won a lot of ribbons with those dogs.

Anyone looking for a good natured pet - you can't go wrong with a black and tan, a walker, or a mix!!!!

-- dottie (, March 31, 2002.

If we lived closer to each other I would take that offer. These are my favorite dogs.

-- r.h. in okla. (, March 31, 2002.

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