First the seeds... now your barnyard critters : LUSENET : Country Style Homesteading : One Thread

Today my uncle called, to let me know he was getting fined $200 dollars for not having his chickens, ducks, and goats ect..immunized... YUP thats right.. here in good old Morgan county , Indiana, we must take our barn yard critters to the vet and get their shots, just like the dog or the cat.... Is this just where I am or is this other places... ps, this included his rabbits too....The inspector will be back next friday to see if he has the right documents, and if he dont..... well kiss that money good bye...

-- Kristean Thompson (, March 30, 2002


Hey Kristean ... does your uncle live outside the city limits or inside. Is this the county doing this? Hard to believe, isn't it. Think I'll get a BIG dog and a high fence :8)! Keep us posted on what happens, okay?

-- Phil in KS (, March 30, 2002.

He lives 9 miles from town, in the country.

-- Kristean Thompson (, March 31, 2002.

Kristean, Where in In. is Morgan Co? I just cannot imagine that. So many city folk are moving into rural places and hate the ideas of animals ect. We had a neighbor call the humaine society on us saying we were starving our cows all because they started mooing at 6:00am when they heard my kids go out to start chores. The guy from the humaine society didn't anything about cows. He was afraid to go into the pasture and get his shoes dirty. He could only see the older dairy cow that had given birth two months before and was still nursing. He said that yep, she did look thin. I told him to come into the pasture and look at the steer and calf but he wasn't going to get dirty. He said they had no hay, it was summer and they were in a grass pasture. I offered to show him the grain in the barn for them and he didn't want to see that. I almost went and let a sow out and see if he thought she was starved, after she got him muddy of course. We had to have our vet come out and verify that our animals were not starved. Our vet thought I was playing a joke on him when I told him why I needed to come out. These city people need to understand that animals live in the country and if they don't like it, they need to stay closer to the cit.

-- Joanie (, April 01, 2002.

Hi Kristean Who exactly is it that's requiring these immunizations? Is it some sort of county ordinance or a state requirement? I'm still trapped in suburbia at the moment (NW side of Indianapolis), but we're hoping to make the move up to Delaware or Tipton counties in the next couple of years and I'm wondering if we'll run into the same thing. Thanks

-- Sherri C in Central Indiana (, April 02, 2002.

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