Experiences with Voigt. 15mm on Leica M's?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I'd very much appreciate knowing what others think about the quality of the Voigtlaender 15mm. Super-Wide Heliar using the screw-mount to M adapter on M models?

-- Art Waldschmidt (afwaldschmidt@yahoo.com), March 30, 2002


From the archives:



-- Andrew Schank (aschank@flash.net), March 30, 2002.

Excellent lens, I've been using one since 1999 and find it superb.


-- Godfrey (ramarren@bayarea.net), March 30, 2002.

Art, I've had mine for about a month (on m6ttl) with Voigt adapter. Was a little skeptical at first but not any more. The glass is very good, overall manufacturing quality seems quite good, but I have not had it enough to judge this aspect fairily. The adapter is well made and fits right in. Make sure you'll have the 28mm adapter for 28mm frame lines. To sum it up the lens surpassed my expectations and although not particularly cheap ($440 for lens, adaper, and pouch) is still a fantastic bargain and the only option for Leica.

-- Igor Osatuke (visionstudios@yahoo.com), March 30, 2002.

the 15mm is a great lens to use on either a LTM or M camera. mine is at home on a M1 since you don't need a rangefinder. I've had this lens for about 3 years now, very sharp, best results I get are shot at f/5.6. Try it with Velvia..........ohhhhhhhhhhhh!

-- chris a williams (LeicaChris@worldnet.att.net), March 31, 2002.

The 15mm Voigtlander doesn't connect to the Leica M rangefinder focus mechanism, so focussing is achieved by using the depth of field scale on the lens, in practise this is no hardship. Lens quality is very high, the results I've achieved are fully comparable with the new 14mm Nikon AF optic, however you will notice a clear deterioration in resolution if you stop down too far. I found that f16 is the absolute limit for 10"x8" and f8/f11 for anything larger.

The dedicated viewfinder is also praiseworthy, I'm a spectacle wearer but found it very accurate and comfortable to use, and as it's centrally placed it's far better than the new off-set Leica "vario" style (21mm/24mm/28mm) which places your nose smack into the regular viewfinder window!

-- Gary Ferguson (garyfergus@email.msn.com), March 31, 2002.

Thanks to all who have responded with information or advice or have shared their experiences!!! I've read some very favourable reviews of the Heliar and wanted to tap the resources of this forum. Thanks!!

-- Art Waldschmidt (afwaldschmidt@yahoo.com), March 31, 2002.

I guess this lens is next on my list, since my SWC (22-23mm equiv) is not wide enough sometimes, and delete the 50 from my bag.

Anybody got one that they don't want?

How does it compare the the Zeiss for Contax one?

Don't be surprised if I start a new thread.

-- chris chen (chrischen@msn.com), March 31, 2002.

I've ordered one + M adapter that should arrive today. I'll let you know how I get on with it.

-- Ray Moth (ray_moth@yahoo.com), April 01, 2002.

Hello Everyone,

I know that I'm preaching to the saved at this point, but must say that the VC 15/4.5 is a super lens. Had my since 1999. It is silver. It is very light and takes good pictures. It took me a while to learn to use it properly to avoid (or minimize) perspective distortion-- streeeeeeeeetched out people, etc. In street photography it is great at full ap. with fast film. One thing that might irk you. The "ears" of the hood might tilt clockwise after a while, even with the M adapter. Smear a micron of bond from abt 12 o'clock to 1'clock. Let dry. Screw in lens, turning carefully until ears are lined up. The external viewfinder is okay but the right angle finder with 15mm attachment is excellent.

-- Alex Shishin (shishin@suma.kobe-wu.ac.jp), April 03, 2002.

Buy the lens with the case. It's really handy to have the lens w/attached screw-to-M adapter and M rear cap, along with the 15mm viewfinder, all together in one place.


-- Joe Buechler (jbuechler@toad.net), April 03, 2002.

For the money it is a good lens to have on your M ...if you need a 15mm. But in my opinion the resolution and contrast/punch isnt the greatest....Distorts like crazy...esp in the corners....but a fun lens ..light and different.If you expect this lens to compete with your current Leica lenses...forget it.Better for color than B+W I've found.I think I would rather have a Zeiss Biogon wide angle.

-- Emile de Leon (knightpeople@msn.com), April 03, 2002.

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