My first Leica M roll....pls critique : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

If anyone has the time or inclination for a critique (they were just quick shots) is a couple of frames from my 1st roll of film off my new M6 and 35 cron (pre asph). I am still getting used to the framing and metering...but so far I am really enjoying this camera!

Link: d.phtml


-- Rich Green (, March 31, 2002


Not bad at all Rich. Welcome to the wonderful and sometimes expensive world of Leicaholica.

-- chris a williams (, March 31, 2002.

Rich, I wish I could find those crosses here..


-- Travis koh (, April 01, 2002.

Very nice Richie, but I think it is more important for you to tell us about you experience and what equipment you used prior to Leica. Also, what do you think of your first body of Leica M work?

-- Kristian (, April 01, 2002.

Sure... I'll share. Of course I will.

Have been an admirer (and sometimes contributor) to photography since I was 13. Spent about seven years doing it profressionally...first started out doing commercial work (brochures, ads, etc.) and then decided I wanted to specialize in fashion. So I worked in the fashion industry for a few years, but I gave up that grueling life (not) for another (am in the US Navy). Now I just photograph to please myself.

Have owned (at one time or another) almost every system that was good for what I was doing (never had any Rollei). Lots of MF: Hassy, Mamiya (RZ and 645), and Pentax 67,...also had a Nikon 35 system: FM2N and F2A with 16, 20, 35, 50, 85, and 105mm.

Always wanted an M....but that style of shooting didn't really lend itself to my work....and it's expensive (as everyone here knows).

So now that I have "retired" from shooting professionally, I decided to sell off what was remaining of my MF gear and get the M. I think it was a good decision. It is the first camera system I have owned since the Hasselblad that had a true "high-quality" feel to the build and function. All the others are good, mind you, they just don't feel like this, and some of them (Mamiya 645) downright scared me that they were going to break (it never did...and I would buy the system again if I was doing fashion).

So there you have it......"and I'm spent".


-- Rich Green (, April 01, 2002.

Sorry, I didn't answer the last question:

I think the roll went OK overall. I am VERY pleased with the focusing accuracy. It will take me some time to get used to the in-camera meter. I am used to using incident meters pretty much exclusively so my technique needs some work.

Really it's really just about the light isn't it? I got lucky that we had a day (weatherwise) that really lent itself to B/W.

Thanks everyone for taking a look.


-- Rich Green (, April 01, 2002.

Hi, Rich !

If you could keep a sustained quality like the one you put into Crossbeach I'll be watching your work in order to learn something from it.

Thanks for sharing.


-- Iván Barrientos M (, April 01, 2002.

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