looking for a cream separator

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone have a cream separator they want to sell? I would prefer a manual separator, but will consider an electric one. I have a herd of milking la manchas, and don't have a way to get the cream.

-- Ginger Ehrhardt (gehrhardt@plixtel.com), April 01, 2002



There is a separate category on the forum for cream separators. There are some sources there. Beware of used ones as they may be non- functional and/or missing parts.

Have been told if you mix some fresh cow milk into fresh goat milk it will help the cream in it separate.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), April 01, 2002.

If you want to do it small scale use a ice tea jar they sell with the drain that comes out of the bottom. I also have a creamer it's like a old milkcan but has a drain out of the bottom just like the tea jar cream goes to the top after a while and the milk goes down . I would sell the creamer for $50 + shipping it's stainless steel government issued and is in perfect shape.

-- Swifty (swifty@zoominternet.net), April 01, 2002.

Ginger, I've been in touch with an importer who seems to have access to a well-made manual separator with stainless steel parts for around $220 plus shipping. I don't know what price range you're looking for. I intend to purchase and review one of his separators, evaluating quality and service, and then post to the board to let everyone know about it. If you would like contact information before I get around to that, please email me privately.

-- Laura Jensen (lrjensen@nwlink.com), April 01, 2002.

You might also check out www.lehmans.com . They are a bit pricey these days but I have never had an item that didnt work as advertised. If you are ever near Kidron Ohio it is well worth the time to visit and prices are cheaper. The catalog prices, I think include shipping.Their current model is russian made and about $250, but I have never used it.

-- Brian N. E. Ohio (brilas@hotmail.com), April 01, 2002.

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