An afternoon at ole Jeeps house. [preachin] : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

The old rooster was as black as coal but still was a proud old dude. He thought he owned the entire barnyard and to tread on it--he had to be rekoned with! His name, of course, was OJ. Kinda cocky and proud as he "patrolled" his domain's perimeter just itchin for a unsuspectin clumsy violater to wander in. The fight would begin then! He was battle scarred and had spurs that would put many old roosters to shame! He had one problem tho. That "problem" was Old Griz, the Airdale dog. Griz hated ole OJ and nothing could be done to change that! OJ would quickly be dispatched to the creek just south of the house, by old Griz. Within a couple minutes or so Griz would become occupied with some other little project that would take his mind off old OJ. When he did---he'd leave old OJ hidin in the creekbed. OJ would wait a couple minutes and then start to sneak out into the open. If Old Griz didn't see'm--Jeep would call his attention to OJ. The race would be on again! If OJ happened to sneak out and Griz wasn't handy--just a simple "Get'm Griz" would send ole OJ into a runnin fit--and the dog wasn't even around!

Much has happened since those days of about 5 years ago. OJ "woke up dead" about 2 years ago--the victim of a fox. Old Griz has heart worms, arthur and a bunch more years on'm. About the only thing that ain't changed much is old Jeep. He still sets and watches the livestock, birds and trees and thinks about the "good old days" when a laugh was very easily obtained just by lookin around a mite.

Old Jake the mule has kinda buddy'd up with Willy the hog. They seem to get along rite smart now. The livestock at ole Jeeps house keeps dwindlin some and the old say'n is true I guess--Misery loves company! Jake has had many friends over the years but I think the mostest and bestest friend that he had was old mr. Guineas last year. He has gone on to his reward at the mouth of a left out dalmation dog!

We will check out sometime. Either though death or the rapture. Either way my destination will be heaven. Won't ya'll come join Lil Dumplin and the old hillbilly on that eternal journey? We'd be most honored to have ya'll join us! old hoot. Matt.24:44

-- old hoot gibson (, April 01, 2002


Hey Hoot Ill be joining you and Lil Dumplin on a Cloud pretty soon I believe. What a great time it will be with our Lord and Saviour. In his work dale

-- dale (, April 01, 2002.

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