I got my Elmar-C 90mm f4 lens in the mail... nice.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

This is not an April's Fool joke here. I won on ebay for 132 dollars a Elmar-C 90mm f4 lens to complement my M-Rokkor 40mm lens and so now I have the complete set of lenses for the Leica CL. So I put it on my M3 and man it is rather nice and admit that it's very light for a 90mm lens.

Which tells me that it's never April's Fools when you can hunt good bargains of Leitz glass on ebay rather than dealers :)

-- Alfie Wang (leica_phile@hotmail.com), April 01, 2002


Congratulations, and happy shooting!

-- Preston Merchant (merchant@speakeasy.org), April 01, 2002.

With the deal you got, its no wonder you did not back out of the deal as you did in 3 previous auctions.

http://cgi2.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll? ViewFeedback&userid=contax_dude

be careful who you screw dude.

-- James G. Pierce (imageperson@yahoo.com), April 01, 2002.

Another dimension of AW surfaces.

-- Dan Brown (brpatent@swbell.net), April 02, 2002.

Hi Alfie: The 90mm Elmar-C is an excellent little lens. I know since I once owned one but was foolish and traded it for something I thought I needed.I used it on my M6 with excellent results.What a great price. When I purchesed mine a few years ago, I paid at least twice what you paid. Enjoy the lens.

-- John Alfred Tropiano (jat18@psu.edu), April 02, 2002.

Where is the photo?

-- Brooks (Bvonarx@home.com), April 02, 2002.

I want to see more dishracks!

-- Richard (rvle@yahoo.com), April 02, 2002.

Alfie's dark side rears its ugly head.

-- Bert Keuken (bkkn@wanadoo.nl), April 02, 2002.

I thought it cost $125 -- or it did last posting? A small difference, but it does not inspire confidence..

-- Robin Smith (smith_robin@hotmail.com), April 02, 2002.


I'm looking forward to the out of focus pictures you'll post of the new lens. Maybe put the lens in front of your food processer so we can see a nice sharp photo of that!

-- Myopic (focus@blurry.com), April 02, 2002.

C'mon guys, give Alfie a break, he's just a kid.


So maybe he's not the most reputable eBay buyer, but it's not like he went off and joined the Taliban like John Walker.

We are a permissive society, we must coddle our wayward youths, lest they grow up to be adults. Couldn't have that, could we!

(O Tempora, o Mores)


-- adam g. lang (aglang@hotmail.com), April 02, 2002.

I don't considering a breech or a material missrepresentation in the formation of a bona fide contract (as in Ebay), or even renegging on a simple oral agreement, an acceptable act attributable to youth. You are either a man of your word or not.

-- Dan Brown (brpatent@swbell.net), April 02, 2002.


Now, answer honestly -- when was the last time you were in Afghanistan?

-- Robin Smith (smith_robin@hotmail.com), April 03, 2002.

The silence is deafening.

-- Marco Grande (hektor73@yahoo.com), April 15, 2002.

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