I want the Trango Russian Aid System...any leads?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I'm interested in finding a set of the Trango Russian Aiders. Trango says they're discontinued and out of stock. Anyone know of a local shop that has some? Or does anyone want to sell theirs? I'd even be interested in non-Trango versions.


Rex Pieper

-- Rex Pieper (rex@bigwall.com), April 02, 2002


Well, lucky me!

My friend Brutus, whom I have never even met, just mailed me a set to try out.

Not bad, eh?

I'll be posting my comments in the < b>Aid Climbing Forum of rockclimbing.com in June after I use them on the Big Stone.



-- "Pass the Pitons" Pete Zabrok (peterzabrok@cogeco.ca), April 09, 2002.

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