Another Leica movie sighting : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

This is more for ANEMETH'S list than any other reason - although feel free to comment:

Movie: "Poodle Springs" - James Caan et al. Set in 1963. Chrome M3 with chrome-and-leatherette 135 (probably Elmar, possibly Hektor) seen in front seat of red T-bird, along with body of murdered private eye, in early scene.

The movie's pretty good, too. Philip Marlowe at 60-ish - still on the job.

-- Andy Piper (, April 03, 2002


Thanks Andy. I've added it to the (growing) list at: 005ea.shtml

-- Andrew Nemeth (, April 03, 2002.

Hi Andrew

Your web pagecovered all of the movies in the Leica Spotting thread except "The Candidate".


-- Joe Buechler (, April 03, 2002.

... the FAQ list also has quite a few not mentioned there as well! Nevertheless, thankyou for the "Candidate" reference, will add it (with credit) to the list later this afternoon.

-- Andrew Nemeth (, April 03, 2002.

I might also mention the LTM in "A Beautiful Mind." In the Pentagon sequence, an agent uses it to photograph a map. It was too brief to identify the model, but it was a chrome LTM, maybe a IIIc or IIIf.

-- Bob Fleischman (, April 03, 2002.

Bob - actually I thought it was a Contax II/III (Beautiful Mind).

In fact Eliot and I got into a - hmmm - discussion because I'd expressed the opinion that a Contax would have been a more accurate portrayal because AT THE TIME (early 1950's) Zeiss/Contax probably had more credibility with the technocratic types like the Pentagon, while the Leica was more the artsy-fartsy camera (IMHO of THO!!) - even though Leica made lots of US gov't sales in the '60s/70s.

But I'll have to see the movie again...

-- Andy Piper (, April 04, 2002.

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