Ivan, Kristian and Me.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
just for the fun of it guys..;)Again, click only if you are interested.
-- Travis (teckyy@hotmail.com), April 03, 2002
Handsome lads, all!
-- Ben Hughes (ben@hughesbros.com), April 03, 2002.
Looks like someone said. " Check out the bumpers on the blond. "Oh and by the way where are the Leicas? Looks like a trio of lens cappers to me.
-- Alfred Henry (J Henry@provide.net), April 03, 2002.
These prairie dogs are great fun. Pity they are not looking at you (mind you people looking at you is "bad" in street photography so the "experts" tell me, not that I listen on this point).
-- Robin Smith (smith_robin@hotmail.com), April 03, 2002.
Great shot and funny in a way!Regards,
-- edgaddi (edgaddi@msn.com), April 03, 2002.
Travis, beautiful animal shot. The b/w-technique makes it to a witness od some lost time.Best wishes
-- K. G. Wolf (k.g.wolf@web.de), April 03, 2002.
Travis, I don't remember having that picture taken. It must have been some time ago because I no longer have so much facial hair.Was that taken at the bar down on 2/3 past the Wallnut street, Arizona? There was a hot beaver down there named "Hot Jasmin". Remeber her? Boy, those were the days huh!?
-- Kristian (leicashot@hotmail.com), April 03, 2002.
Hey, Travis, I warned you about posting this shot of the three of us naked ! ! It was supossed to be kept private !!Just for our friends not to think that I go around this way all the time, here is a picture of myself looking more as usual. Now it is up only to you both to make them know you are formal gentlemen too.
And, Alfred, I hope this answers your question about my Leica, at least.
Now, on the serious side of things: WONDERFUL shot, Travis. Excuse I shout up, I think it is justified this time.
Regards and congratulations
-- Iván Barrientos M (ingenieria@simltda.tie.cl), April 03, 2002.
Who's the ugly guy in the middle? ;-)
-- Ray Moth (ray_moth@yahoo.com), April 03, 2002.
I somehow love the fact that they are not looking at me. (Oops, well, maybe they are.)
-- Michael Kastner (kastner@zedat.fu-berlin.de), April 04, 2002.