Taken with a Leica?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Taken with a Leica?... http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm ...perhaps not. Interesting non-the-less!

-- Yogesh Jeram (Yogeshjeram@hotmail.com), April 03, 2002


That's vey strange. They're obviously not Leica photos - the resolution of Leica lenses is far too high to allow a whole 757 to go missing. I think the remnants of the plane wound up on the grassy knoll...

-- Paul Chefurka (paul@chefurka.com), April 03, 2002.

Wouldn't this be more appropriate on a conspiracy-theory forum? It has nothing to do with Leicas and is only tangentially related to photography.

-- Mike Dixon (mike@mikedixonphotography.com), April 03, 2002.

What a bunch of bullshit. Just what we need another conspiracy theory.

-- Richard (rvle@yahoo.com), April 03, 2002.

Interesting to who.

-- Allen Herbert (allen1@btinternet.com), April 03, 2002.

Yogesh: More BS for the check-out line press corps.

High School physics will tell you that an aircraft the size of a 757 travelling at say 250 knots and loaded with 15,000 gallons of JP4 jet fuel impacting into a reinforced concrete and steel framed building will disintegrate. Not much left, certainly little in the way of recognizable structure. The photos were taken well after the fireball had consumed most parts. And sanding the lawns? What would you do with all the spilled oil, organic marterial and other chemicals that result from such an impact?

-- Phil Allsopp (pallsopp42@attbi.com), April 04, 2002.

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