StalkingThe Elusive R7 : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Has anyone seen a minty R7 up for sale anywhere? I once had one, traded to a R8, then sold all my R equipment for Canon AF (including my wife's camera, which I've never heard the end of). I've since suffered "sellers' remorse". I'd prefer a R6.2, but if I'm to extract myself from the doghouse my wife has sent me to, then it has to be somewhat automated. I really liked the feel of the R7 compaired to the R8 ( which the little woman hated anyway). She won awards with her Leica work, and subsequently turned her nose up at any Canon or Nikon AF replacement I've offered up. Helppppp!

-- Marc Williams (, April 04, 2002


-- Matthew Geddert (, April 04, 2002.

I have a R7 for sale. Not mint but in a very good condition. Was thoroughly CLA'd by Leica last december for some 450$. Contact me if you are interested.

-- H. Gurung. (, April 04, 2002.

A spouse who turns her nose up at less expensive C & N, and prefers Leica. You lucky fella.. ;-)

-- Mani Sitaraman (, April 04, 2002.

They're out there. I sold both of my minty R7's about a month ago, they both went to users in the Pacific Rim. I really loved the R7's but with 2 R8's and 2 R6.2's and an SL I rarely use since I bought R- EOS adaptors, the R7's (being the first to have been discontinued by Leica)were the first ones I chose to let go. Eventually I would like to keep a few Leica prime lenses to be used wide-open, with the bulk of my shooting being done with Canon zooms.

-- Jay (, April 04, 2002.

The R7 is not much cheaper s/h than a s/h R8. Is it worth it? It is smaller, but it has less features.

-- Robin Smith (, April 04, 2002.

But do you really need all those features,small is what it is all about.Have you thought about a R6.

-- Allen Herbert (, April 04, 2002.

Mani, at least it isn't Jewelry she's holding out for. With the Leica I can ocassionally use it. Can't say the same for jewelry. Robin, don't care all that much for the R8. Besides, if I got one the little woman may conk me on the noggin with it. Imagine being wacked upside the head with that brick. Allen, I'm with you about the R6.2, but I'll have to sneak one on the side. As I mentioned in my post, my wife wants HER camera replaced. Spring or no spring, it's damned cold out in this dog house.

-- Marc Williams (, April 04, 2002.

I'm with Mani. I can't get my fiance to even take a damn shot. She hates the fact that I am shooting with a BLOODY BIG DIAMOND RING that should be on her finger. Or so she says...

-- Kristian (, April 04, 2002.


When you need a big diamond, let me know I can get them at wholesale + 20%. Any shape, size, color and clarity.

-- Dave Doyle (, April 04, 2002.

Marc, I saw one in mint condition (actually held the camera in my hands) at for 1250 euro (app. US$ 1100). I bought some lenses there and I was quite happy with the service.

-- Eric Kragtwijk (, April 05, 2002.

Hi Marc,

Get her the R7 at any cost. If thats what she was using to produce great images why get her anything else? My Wife who has a degree in art always enjoyed my photographs but never liked to photgraph. I recently aquired a Rollie 2.8D and she fell in love with the camera. She shoots with it all the time now. The images she produces are excellent, and now we can enjoy photo excursions together. Life will get much better for you when your Wife gets her Leica back.

Regards Steve

-- Steve Belden (, April 05, 2002.

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