Nubian kids and laying hens : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

I have a very nice Nubian buckling and several doelings from Cream of Kansas bloodlines. They are still on the bottle, started on heat treated colostrum and lamb milk replacer. Will trade for Boer goats or hay or old blue canning jars or bantie chickens or what have you got? I have 6 Australorp hens and a rooster, part from last apring and part the year before. Also some misc. White Rock hens, RRI hens and mixed breed hens for sale (cheep) or trade.

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2002


May be inerested in the nubian does, are they registered? or registerable? I have a 50%boer cross/Alpine, bred and due to kid in July. Her name is crybaby and she is bred to boer buck (no line breeding)Where exactly are you? I'm in Indiana, about 60 miles from Illinois

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2002

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