leica o-serie is $900 at adorama

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Adorama has the set for $900 now . If it was only useful , it would be quite a deal . And now I must get back to looking for a konica hexar af .

-- leonid (kotlyarl@mail.nih.gov), April 04, 2002


Unfortunately, the best place to buy a Hexar AF is ebay. But it is the only place you can find one with silent mode. And the prices are sometimes very good -- I bought one in perfect condition yesterday for $380.


-- gregory g. allen (gregorygallen@hotmail.com), April 04, 2002.

newtonville camera in netwonville mass has a mint used hexar silver (alas no silent mode, but stealthy enough for most).

-- roger michel (michel@tcn.org), April 04, 2002.

Well, that is simply an amazing price. I have always wanted one and in dissagreement with many others I am sure, consider it good value even at the normal price. Here in the UK around £1200 ($1750).

I am emailing them now, for shipping/tax costs etc!

-- Giles Poilu (giles@monpoilu.icom43.net), April 04, 2002.

Mistake, UK price is £1600 ($2350) - it is VERY tempting...

-- Giles Poilu (giles@monpoilu.icom43.net), April 04, 2002.

Giles--There should be NO tax buying from US, importing may include a tax.

-- Steve leHuray (steve@icommag.com), April 04, 2002.

Hey, Leonid, does the NIH know they're paying you to use their facilities, to conduct personal business, on their dime?

I doubt it. That's our tax money, you know.

Hope your looking for that camera at home on your OWN time!

Just an harased taxpayer figuring his taxes and wondering where the money goes.

-- Alec (alecj@bellsouth.net), April 04, 2002.

I'm also HARASSED! That's even worse.

-- Alec (alecj@bellsouth.net), April 04, 2002.

Talking about our taxes at work--a few years ago when I belonged to the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA), Washington, DC chapter office was at the GSA (General Service Administration) where all the mailing, telephoning, etc, etc for the SCCA was being done.

-- Steve leHuray (steve@icommag.com), April 04, 2002.


Thanks,thanks you have just saved us uk people a small fortune,Thanks,

-- Allen Herbert (allen1@btinternet.com), April 04, 2002.

Gregory wrote: Hexar AF is ebay. But it is the only place you can find one with silent mode

This is not the case. You can have the more recent Konica Hexar Silver modified to have the silent mode re-enabled - see the service I offer at: nemeng.com/equipment/hexar.html

-- Andrew Nemeth (azn@nemeng.com), April 04, 2002.

Thanks Leonid,

Just bought one there. Sold CLE paid for it, so net-net have same number of cameras.

One Problem: it's leica_not_leitz ;^)

-- Steve (leitz_not_leica@hotmail.com), April 04, 2002.

Giles, UK price for the Hexar is about £900 or £1000 body only.

-- Tim Franklin (tim_franklin@mac.com), April 04, 2002.

Whoops! should have read it properly. Hexar AF. D'OH

-- Tim Franklin (tim_franklin@mac.com), April 04, 2002.

Can't imagine being a person who dropped $2,500. bucks on an "O" not to long ago. This is even worse than the bath someone can take on the fast evolving digital fiasco. Not good for Leica's reputation. Not good at all. If the camera was the bust it appears to be, Leica should've held its ground and spread out the remaining quanities over time (rather than dumping on their loyal customers). Does anyone know how many of these "O" cameras were made in total? I'll hazard a guess that it'll be a hot item a few years down the road if only a few were made. I'll also hazard a guess that no amont of appreciation will recover the loss in value some initial buyers ( and dealers) have suffered.

-- Marc Williams (mwilliams111313MI@comcast.net), April 05, 2002.

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