How to copy using Leitz : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread |
For copying 35 mm stuff I came across a Leitz Eldia Box. Anyone used one of these before? Outside looks like a Leica finder camera - without finder, inside a film is taken up like a camera and transported by hand using a knob on top. I assume this mechanismen takes my copy film, in my case Kodak Ortho Lith. The back can be opened so the original film is pressed onto the copy film, a glass window will allow exposure to light. OK, but there is a red window on the front? And how to determine the transported film, maybe by counting the perforation thru the red window? Using google I found some Eldias for sale, but no free instructions.BTW, Rodinal 1:150 8-9 mins@70°F/20-21°C works nice with Ortho Lith@12 ASA for halftone.
Kindest regards,
-- Wolfram Kollig (, April 05, 2002
Go here and do a search for answers to all things Leica:
If that does not work subscribe to the list and someone there will undoubtedly know the answer.
-- Henry Ambrose (, April 08, 2002.