Headin south. [prechin]

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

The little S10 will be loaded shortly--carry'n all our travlin stuff--and pointed south. It still remains to be seen just where it will end up, along with it's cargo--but it's gotta be warmer there than here. Ole Calvin is stayin home and attackin anything and everything that appears to wanna move in. Ole Jeep will feed "it" while were gone I guess. They've become fast friends over the last several years when "it" is fed by jeep.

So, if'n ya'll just happen to see a little Blue S10, loaded down a mite, headed south with a big ugly hillbilly drivin--shake ya'lls fist at'm. If he waves back with a fist-a-cuff it mite me me. If not, better run cause everybody has a twin. Well, that'w what the "big boys" say! We'll be back next weekend.

Be nice to each other. God don't like it when His people fight. old hoot. Matt. 24:44

-- old hoot gibson (hoot@pcinetwork.com), April 06, 2002


Have a safe trip, Hoot, & we'll be waitin' for the stories of your adventure when you return.

In His Grace

-- Michaela (flhomestead@hotmail.com), April 06, 2002.

Grandpa Hoot, I hope you & Lil Dumplin have a good time. I'll look forward to hearing what kind of people you met, what you did, etc. I expect Calvin is not going to be too happy with you - taking Lil Dumplin away. Well, maybe Jeep will keep him happy. God bless.

-- Michael W. Smith in North-West Pennsylvania (kirklbb@penn.com), April 07, 2002.

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