att: person who has pics of goat leg straps : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Some kind goat person sent me pictures from their web site of some goat leg straps they made for milking a fiesty goat who frequently puts her foot in the bucket. I filed them on y computer and then they got lost. If you are that person, I would love to take a look at your website again and figure out how to make these.

-- Tiffani (, April 08, 2002


Leg straps are usually used for identifying each critter. Do you mean 'hobbles'? I don't have goats, but I have used hobbles on bovine and equine. (Not for milking, tho.)

-- ~Rogo (, April 08, 2002.

I am honestly not sure what these are called. They are used to secure the back legs of a goat to keep them from putting their foot in the milk bucket.

-- Tiffani (, April 08, 2002.

Tiffani why dont you go to the farm store and get a tarp strap kinda like a bungee cord. Bob se,ks.

-- Bobco (, April 08, 2002.

Tiffani, I just noticed that in the new Hoegger Supply catalog they have these leg hobbles. Try their web site. In His Grace, Sissy

-- Sissy (, April 08, 2002.

Our stanchion has four legs, so we just keep a length of cotton clothesline type rope about 3 feet long, tied to each leg at the back end of the stanchion. When not needed, we tuck it under the stanchion. If a doe acts up we just calmly tie the legs, just above the hocks, so they can't jump and kick. Usually this works well, and after a few times they decide it's not worth it, and hold still. Of course there have been a couple over the years that were so intent on not being milked they would lie down and do every other trick, but for most goats the tieing of the legs has worked well.

-- Dianne Wood (, April 08, 2002.

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