Rabbit fathers and their kits

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My doe has just kindled 7 kits. I keep her and her babies in a separate cage from the buck. I am curious if I can introduce the buck to his progeny. Would he eat them or be aggressive towards them? I would appreciate any feedback.

-- Karen Southin (karen.southin@dendrite.com), April 09, 2002


The buck will immediately try to mount the female and she will be so busy trying to keep away from him that she will not be able to take care of the babies AND she will get bred.

-- Dee (gdgtur@goes.com), April 09, 2002.

Actually in the wild rabbits are rebred within 48 hours of kindling. She will be receptive to the buck. The buck should not have access to the kits. You should always put the doe into the bucks cage for breeding.

-- tracy (murfette@stargate.net), April 09, 2002.

Do not put the buck into the does cage,she will attack him and babes will be trampled.If you want to rebreed her take her to his cage each day for a few minute till the deed is done.

-- snow white (gawmonk@misn.com), April 11, 2002.

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