Anyone dealt with Camera Traders (NYC)? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Was considering a 75 or 90 Voigtlander lens (just cant swing the Leitz anytime soon).

Seems like Camera Traders have a good price for the US, about the same as it would be to import from Robert White (UK), considering shipping and US Customs duty.

Any good/bad experience with Camera Traders?

-- Charles (, April 09, 2002


i have only dealt with them in person (they are across from lens & repro), and only for used gear. they have always been fair and honest. and, yes, they seem to have great prices on voigt.

-- roger michel (, April 09, 2002.

Here's a place to check feedback on mail order places at Camera traders seem to have decent feedback.

-- Andrew Schank (, April 09, 2002.

I bought a used lens at a good price mailorder from them a couple of years ago. The lens was better than described.

-- Terry Dent (, April 10, 2002.

Where is Camera Traders located in NYC? Whats a good place to buy used Leica "stuff" (not so much lenses & bodies, but more the hard to find accesories...) Thanks Phillip

-- Phillip Silitschanu (, April 16, 2002.

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