FS: M3 SS Just O/H #103xxxx

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

eBay Auction M3

-- Mike DeVoue (karma77@att.net), April 09, 2002


How about this one? :-)

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ViewItem&item=1345056196>

-- Muhammad Chishty (applemac97@aol.com), April 12, 2002.

Mike, Just to clarify, are you the person auctioning this item? Or are you drawing attention to it for some particular reason? Honest set of jpegs BTW.

-- Mani Sitaraman (bindumani@pacific.net.sg), April 12, 2002.

The camera isn't mine, but I put it to auction.

Yes, I was honest as possible with the photos. When I finally buy a leica, I think I'd like it preworn so I don't fret over stupid things such as camera wear. These cameras are great and IMO it's a sin to stare at them on a shelf.

-- Mike DeVoue (karma77@att.net), April 13, 2002.

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