railroad ties

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

Hi, I live in canton, GA and I am in need of approximately 100 railroad ties. Would you have any information on how I can go about acquiring these either for free or at a low price? I am willing to travel to pick them up. Thank you, for any info.

R. Guerra

-- Reinaldo Guerra (RGuerra@scientech.com), April 11, 2002


Today, mostof the ties that are removed from the tracks are done by contractors. You may want to contact the railroad thats closest to you to find out who the contractors are. Another option is to inquire at any of the large home improvement centers. They may have some, but the quantity that your reqesting may be hard to get. Good hunting

-- Robert Daniel Cashwell (rdcsouthern@aol.com), April 12, 2002.


-- April Albury (alecia_albury@yahoo.com), January 15, 2003.

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