The back up forum URL is : LUSENET : A Country Singletree : One Thread

Since we were down again, it was suggested to me to post the backup forum site again. Plug it in your favorites so your not lost the next time we go down here. The URL is

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, April 12, 2002


The Singletree Home Page URL is

In the event of a forum crash or the "Lusenet Big One" there will be related info on the home page.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, April 12, 2002.

Cool! I like the homepage jay! I also like that I could loop back here without the back button. Will there be other links too? Probably a dumb question.

-- Susan in MN (, April 12, 2002.

Jay, Good start on the homepage. Keep up the good work.

-- Sherry (, April 12, 2002.

Jay could you make a link out of those urls. Bob se,ks

-- Bobco (, April 12, 2002.


you can highlight , copy and paste it on the address bar

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, April 12, 2002.

Jay, Can you elaborate on the home page addy for this puter dummy...

I tryed the tripod thingy.....and got nothing!!!!

-- Jim-mi (, April 12, 2002.

The homepage looks good Jay. Jim-mi I couldn't get to it by using just the address either. You really have to highlight the address, hit copy, click on your address bar, and then hit paste. Jill

-- Jill (, April 13, 2002.

well that didnt work for me if its to hard to make a link justr forget it. Bob se.ks.

-- Bobco (, April 13, 2002.

I don't know how to make it into a link. But, if you highlight it and right click on the mouse the popup menue comes up and you click on copy. Then go up to the address bar and right click on that and click paste when the popup menue comes up again. The address should be in place and you can just hit the enter key and you there.

Try that guys! I'm talking to Jay right now and I will tell him your having a problem.


-- Susan in MN (, April 13, 2002.

Hi Jay hay thanks buddy i now have it in my favorites. and i also liked the home page thanks a million. im going to try susans method to cut and past as no one ever said right click. but enyway thanks again. Bob se,ks.

-- Bobco (, April 13, 2002.

I can wire a system and lots of other good stuff but this "click and paste" lingo leaves me scratching my head. Guess I'm just a puter chalanged dum dum. But I make a hell of a loaf of bread!

Thank you Jay for sending me the works and the page looks good.

-- Jim-mi (, April 13, 2002.

Susan your instructions worked till i right clicked on the add. bar.(thats the one at the top right?)i got a drop down box that said move,size, minimize and maximize but no paste. i have a packard bell puter running windows 98. but hay thanks for trying maybe some day ill get it right. i would of threw this thing out the winder.(hows that for southern) a long time ago if it wasent for all the help on these forums Bob se,ks.

-- Bobco (, April 13, 2002.

This is how it works on mine, with windows 98. You highlight the address that you want. You go up to the "edit" and I left click. A menu drops down, you click on copy. Go to your address bar, where it says http://hv.greenspun or whatever you're in and click there. It will highlight that. Go back to "edit" and click. When the menu comes down you click on paste and you will have it. It's not as complicated as it sounds. Jill

-- Jill (, April 14, 2002.

Bob I am sorry my idea didn't work. I am using XP and it must be different. I bet Jills way will work. Jay said he would send you a link as he did Jimmi. Hope you can make it to the web page.


-- Susan in MN (, April 14, 2002.

Bob ... this is just for you, fellow Kansasan :-)! Here's the URL for Singletree Homepage on Tripod

Hope this works!

-- Phil in KS (, April 18, 2002.

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