-- LEICA M7 and Visoflex III. How does it work?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Did anyone of the new M7-owners try a VISOFLEX on the new camera?

The drawback with the M5 and M6 was, that you could use a VISOFLEX for proper exposure measurement only tripodmount. What about the M7? Does the combination make an automatic reflexsystem now? Would come pretty handy for the old tools. The shutter should adjust accordingly as soon as the mirror is up. Is the system quick enough for reliable results?

Best regards

-- K. G. Wolf (k.g.wolf@web.de), April 12, 2002


Can't comment on the Viso 111 with M7 but,(with modified arm)it works perfectly with the ttl/otf metering of Minolta CLE.

-- David Seaman (david@leicam.freeserve.co.uk), April 12, 2002.

I've used a Visoflex IIa with a Viso III prism on a Hexar RF for as long as I've owned the camera and it works great in AE. I can't think of a reason why it shouldn't work just as well on an M7

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), April 12, 2002.

I think the Viso IIa and III would be problematic on either the M6TTL or M7 when used with a horizontal (eye level) prism finder (the usual setup) because of the additional 2 mm height of the camera body. However, you should, in theory, be able to use a vertical finder for viewing (which is doable but not as convenient).

The exposure metering, of course, would have to be done with the mirror up, but the AE should work fine. The only possible problem I could forsee would be finding and holding the second pressure point (needed to lock in AE) with the visoflex arm in place. Perhaps the viso 3 setting with the slow mirror movement would allow enough time for the AE metering system to determine and set exposure.

-- Eliot (erosen@lij.edu), April 12, 2002.

I use a Viso III with eyelevel on an M6, classic. Metering does work, with the mirror up, but I would also be concerned about the second pressure point for holding the exposure. I like the III with the rapid mirror movement. How long does one have to hold the button to lock the exposure on the M7? I have similar questions about the use of the Viso.

-- Mark A. Johnson (logical1@catholic.org), April 12, 2002.

There is a LEICA demo today in my place. I´ll try the VISOFLEX on the M7 and will report here. Doesn´t seem to be a lot of interest in the old WETZLAR-stuff though ...

Thank´s a lot for the input so far.

Best regards

-- K. G. Wolf (k.g.wolf@web.de), April 13, 2002.

Had my VISO III on the M7 yesterday, no problem with the prismfinder at all, the top of the camera was well away from it. It was a productdemo and I could only use it for a few minutes, then it was grabbed away by other interested parties ...

When I tried in the shop, low light, open 65 mm lens, the shutter stayed open and didn´t close by itself. Outside the shop, under daylight condition, it seemed to have worked allright. If you want to gain control over the shuttertime you have to view through the camera- v/f which makes it an awkward process.

So it can only be, shoot with it and rely on the AUTOMATIC- setting. If the light is critical and to low you loose a frame. But it can be done.

Best regards and thank´s again for your answers.

-- K. G. Wolf (k.g.wolf@web.de), April 14, 2002.

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