goat milking contest at county show

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

yesterday a question was posed to me. we are trying to promote goats in our area (ne ok) and a neighbor is on the fair board. she's wondering about a goat milking competition at the county fair in the fall. anyone done one, seen one, have info?? other goat related activities for county fairs?? thanks. thanks also to the responses for the animal websites. ya'll have a great day.

-- laura (okgoatgal@hotmail.com), April 12, 2002


I don't know about a goat milking contest, although I have heard of a cow milking contest. It was to see who could milk a cow out the fastest, but I have no idea how they decided what cow, etc. as they tend to give different amounts of milk. How about letting anyone who wishes have a try and milking a goat just a bit. Hoeggers and Caprine Supply sell ribbons that say, I milked a dairy goat. You could give each person who tried a ribbon. I have seen goat costume contests, but personally thought they were kind of dumb. I will try to keep thinking....

-- Marci in NE Ohio (Marci@amazinggrazefarm.com), April 12, 2002.

I don't know if I would want people milking away on my poor nanny goat!! You would need a lot of volunteer goats to to supply the people for a contest. Don't think I would do it. Maybe just the little ribbons on I milked a goat. This way everyone would be able to get a few squirts into the bucket without any injury to the doe. How about a contest for "I Mucked Out a Goat Pen in 3 Minutes".. Bet you wouldn't have many takers. (LOL) Guess I've been in the barn too much these days my sense of humor is getting a little off. Hope your goat fair goes well. Have a Great Day !!!

-- Helena (windyacs@npacc.net), April 12, 2002.

My friend is a 4-h leader, and she used to have a goat milking contest at the county fair every year, using her own goats- about 60 of them. I don't know what she did for milking stands. The way she described it, the older, easy to milk does went to kids or people who'd never milked anything before in their lives. Experienced milkers had to milk the yearlings- who were not tame-, and without a milking stand, into a pop bottle, and to fill the bottle up!!

I would not want to subject my does to this, especially the yearlings! But she said it was the most popular event for years.

-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), April 12, 2002.

What about a one day milk test with everyone betting on the production of each doe entered. Costume classes are a favorite here for the kids. Showmanship classes for adults that have never shown a goat are fun also. The kids show an adult how to show a goat, they have 10 minutes, then another set of kids judge the adults. If you want "I milked a goat ribbons" I have lots in assorted colors that you can have for .10 each. (The ribbons don't have a goat on them though but they are 6") Obstacle classes for the goats are fun. Everyone entered draws for a goat to be used and they have to get that goat over, thru and around each obstacle. I about died of laughter one year at the 'water' obstacle. One kid ended up falling in it and the goat just looked down at her and seemed to be smurking with that I Told You So look. Hope that any of this will help.

-- shari (smillers@snowcrest.net), April 12, 2002.

They used to do this at the Houston Livestock Show. Local celebrities were the ones doing the milking, the first who filled their bucket to the line won. Everyone pitched in and brought our milk stands into the arena for them to use. We also donated does to be milked, and we always ran a second heat in which someone was given a buck to try to milk, and every year the person would squeeze them "teats" thinking something should be coming out of them. Funny thing was that this part of the milking competition never made the local news :) Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (Nubians) (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), April 12, 2002.

our county fair also did it with local celebreties doing the milking.They had a set time to get as much out as possible. The does they used were the winners at the 4-h show the previous day.The kids took their does in and were asked a few questions,etc. so it got their name and story in the paper,along with good rap for dairy goats,it was always well attended by the public!

-- Michelle (davmic25 @hotmail.com), April 12, 2002.

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