Gossen Lunasix 3 battery discontinued ?greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
Dear friends, I hope you will excuse me for posting a question somewhat irrelevant to the general interests of the forum...Has anyone heard that the battery needed for the (classic) Gossen Lunasix 3 lightmeter shall be discontinued ? The battery type is V625PX 1,35v Mercury. Is there maybe another type that can replace this battery ?
Are there any battery experts out there that can help me ?
-- George Papantoniou (papanton@hol.gr), April 12, 2002
Contact Bogen Corp. http://www.bogenphoto.com/ They now make an insert for the battery compartment of your meter which will take easy-to-obtain silver batteries, and converts the voltage so that your meter will perform normally. About $25 USD.
-- Alec (alecj@bellsouth.net), April 12, 2002.