Filmy stain on prints : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Hello All-

I recently set up a new darkroom and have been getting a white, filmy stain (sometimes fingerprints, sometimes drips, sometimes in the pattern of the drying screen) on my dried prints. I have been drying the prints face down on a fiberglass screen hammock. The water in the darkroom is filtered well water. The hot water heater is several years old and may have mineral deposits inside. Any diagnoses or suggestions? Thanks!

-- Maia Dery (, April 13, 2002


Sounds like minerals in your water supply. I recommend a final soak (for several minutes) in distilled water with 1 or 2 drops of Edwal LFN low foam wetting agent just prior to drying. Also make sure your screens are very clean. If you continue to get drying marks from the screens, you can hang the prints until there is no surface water left, then dry them face up. I like to put a small fan to blow air on them from below.

-- Ed Buffaloe (, April 13, 2002.

I'm curious, is there any problem with minerals in the water hurting the archival properties of the print/paper?

-- Wayne C. Lee (, April 16, 2002.

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