We're back and all in one piece! Glory to God!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We're ok but Calvin most had a conniption fit. The old dummy got "itself" locked in the Chevy van before we left Sat Morn. Old Jeep just happened to see the old dummy Monday whilst over here to feed "it". He pried opened a little side vent window that wasn't completely locked---let "it" out. Rekon ole calvin tore up the turf headed for "it's" fertlizer spot. All is well now tho. Calvin is resting quite nicely on the foot of Lil Dumplins bed. Course the electric blanket is on!!

Had some very interesting experiences this past week. I think over 70 pictures are now on CD. Barns, some old, some newer but most are in disrepair---old homesteads/houses, churches, cemetaries and even some outdoor outhouses!

Fed the ducks, geese, pigeons, blackbirds and one scrawney little gray squirrel. Bought about 50# of feed. Started with cat feed---too expensive. Next was rabbit pellets. The only thing to eat that was the trout! Bought another big bag of dog feed. I couldn't dip it out fast enought for those old hoggy geese. They et till they were glassy eyed!

We even named some of'm. "Wonder boy" cause he was alway "flexxin out" to impress the female geese. Old fish hook---a young black Muscovie male duck. He had a fish-hook stuck through his upper bill. Hook, line and sinker!!! About 2 ft of monofiliment line with a split shot sinker and of course the hook!

More on'm all later. I'm tard! old hoot. Matt.24:44

-- old hoot gibson (hoot@pcinetwork.com), April 13, 2002


Good to see you back, Hoot! I missed you and I'm sure many others did too. I'm glad Jeep found Calvin before it was too late. Cats are so ornery about getting into places they shouldn't be. One time I went to town to put gas in my pickup (with the horse trailer hooked up to the truck)....one of my cats had fallen asleep in the horse trailer and he was not too happy at waking up in the middle of town!

-- Lenette (kigervixen@nospam.com), April 14, 2002.

Grandpa Hoot, you are not fooling me! "The old dummy got "itself" locked in the Chevy van before we left Sat. morning" now Hoot, how does a cat open a car door, get in, and then lock it. I know you threw old Calvin in there! I would tell Lil Dumplin, but I'm sure she already knows and is just playing dumb with you. Watch out, you will get paid back! LOL Glad you got back ok. Can't wait to hear some of your traveling stories. God bless.

-- Michael W. Smith in North-West Pennsylvania (kirklbb@penn.com), April 14, 2002.

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