I uploaded my Lens test website, with Konica and Voigtlander tests..

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Hi all,

I just uploaded some new pages (Konica & Voigtlander lens), of course, these tests are not from me, but from a French magazine, Cdi from the french readers :-) I just hope they not gonna see these pages now :-) Hope my work (the "html" not the lens test :-) for the leica community will be usefull !

Be carefull, this link has change !

Best regards,

-- Simon Alibert (simonalibert@mac.com), April 15, 2002



Sorrrrrrry !

-- simon alibert (simonalibert@mac.com), April 15, 2002.

Something is missing here Simon. There is no data, just brand names.

-- Al Smith (smith58@msn.com), April 15, 2002.

Thanks for the html version. Hope you don't get caught up with the copyright issues. Yes this magazine has a nice reputation for the tests but aside from this is a very poor publication. Merci encore.

-- H. Gurung (hgurung@libertysurf.fr), April 15, 2002.

Simon, can you upload Leica R lens tests too ?

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), April 15, 2002.


I finally take it off from my website, but I can sent it to you as an email, it's around 300Kb.. but be quick, before they put me in jail :-) Let me know if you have a PC or a Mac (it's for the compression, ZIP or .bin)

Best regards,


-- Simon Alibert (simonalibert@mac.com), April 15, 2002.

3 things that really surprise me 1. that the 21 has less distortion than the 24. 2. that the 50 summicron perfectly equals, stop for stop the 35 summicron asph and 3. (the most extraordinary) that the 75 summilux actually outperforms (very marginally) the 90 apo stop for stop.

-- Steve Jones (stephenjjones@btopenworld.com), April 15, 2002.

When I read my test (cdi) the 75mm outperform the new 90mmf/2 Apo, until f/4.. And the 35mm Summicron has the same level of the 50mm summicron, once again it's not from me :-) but cdi.. And yes, the 24 have more distortion than the 21, but remenber than the 21mm is one of the best lens ever made (at least from what I read :-)

-- Simon Alibert (simonalibert@mac.com), April 15, 2002.

Thanks for the test by email. It all works fine.

Like other tests, the information is not to be taken as definitive results, but as a reference that is pretty consistent with what people are generally saying.

Good to peruse :-) thanks

-- Kristian (leicashot@hotmail.com), April 18, 2002.

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