50 DR / NF

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Hi all,

I am looking at getting a 50 NF. What is the average value for a mint. Can anyone who has one of this, kindly offer their advise with check points when purchasing used from a store.


-- Jeff (jeffyiu@quamnet.com), April 15, 2002


I assume you mean "no finder". Check ebay--there are always some there.

-- Michael Darnton (mdarnton@hotmail.com), April 15, 2002.

A DR without the finder is just a normal Summicron. The eyes will let you focus down to 18inches. Mint w/eyes can go fro $600-$800, users w/eyes go for $300-$500, users without the eyes would be cheaper. The eyes are hard to find seperately. --Check for fogging or fungus inside lens using a small light or flashlight, and check for front and back scratches on the lens. This is a very, very sharp 50mm lens. One of the best IMO, next to the 1970's Summicron.

-- chris a williams (LeicaChris@worldnet.att.net), April 15, 2002.

Jeff: Ditto on the checking for scratches and fungus. I recently had a DR cleaned and recoated at Focal Point for about $225.00. To get into the close-up range, rotate the lens to minimum focus then pull the focus ring away from the body and rotate a few degrees to clear the stop. The focus ring does not move beyond the stop in the close-up range UNTIL the ball on top is depressed by the eyes. You can depress this with a finger to release it.

Do not mount or dismount the lens in the Near Focus range, even with the eyes off. The cam angle can cause problems with the body. I generally set my lens to infinity for mounting.

-- Mark J. (logical1@catholic.org), April 15, 2002.

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