Favorite Music Video

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

What's your favorite music video at the moment? You know, the one that you'd sit through Celine Dion AND Sheryl Crow on the VH1 Top 20 to get to. Feel free to include legacy videos as well. Just curious what y'all like.

-- Anonymous, April 15, 2002


I'm humiliated to admit this, but I'm obsessed with Pink at the moment. I watched Celine and Sheryl and Shakira and two Enriques to get to it yesterday. That's just sad.

Also, Jeremy, Hemorrhage, Bad Day, and that Michael Jackson-based song by Alien Ant Farm would win an award if I had one. See, that right there is my kind of music - hence the embarrassment over Pink. Oh, the heck with it. And I liked that one BSB's video too...where they're all being lonely. I'm going to kill myself now. And sometimes I watch CMT. Forgive me father, for I have sinned.

-- Anonymous, April 15, 2002

Aw Jessa, don't feel bad about the Pink obsession.

My favorite at the minute is Sheryl Crow's new video, "Soak up the Sun."

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2002

My apologies for dissing Sheryl Crow.

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2002

I would do almost anything to see Pearl Jam's "Jeremy" video, Its very rare now...

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2002

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