about pgdca cource

greenspun.com : LUSENET : pondicherry.com : One Thread

sir i want to enroll in the pgdca cource from pondicherry unversity through coresspondence.please send me a delhi address and ph. no. for the respected queries.

thanks sanjeev

-- sanjeev dobhal (dobhal_kot@rediffmail.com), April 16, 2002


Hi How r u? Yes, ther r so many universities conducting pgdca throught distance education. I know quite a lot about them. i you could tell me something more about u iwould be ablt to assist you better.

What r u dong right now? Where do u live? What do u plan about your future?

Waiting for your reply.

Sudhanshu kumar

-- sudhanshu kumar (kumar_sudhanshu23@rediffmail.com), August 12, 2002.

how 'bout mail to webmaster@pondicherry.com


-- Your Full Name (Your Email Address@rediffmail.com)), September 10, 2003.

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