Muscovy Ducks - Differences : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hello everyone. I have some Muscovies of different colours and I have been reading about them through this site.Howerver I have noticed with my ducks that some have pointed tails and some have square fan shaped tails.They are all between 2-6 months old and are all the same size. Is this just normal or is there a definate pattern as to what sex they may be.I know the males are much bigger than the females.Has anyone else noticed this tail thing in thier males/females? Thanks for any info.

-- Sandra Cross (, April 16, 2002


Sandra, don't know the answer but I would bet if you post this question on The General Waterfowl Forum( will find someone there to discuss this. Interesting I think. :) LQ

-- Little Quacker (, April 17, 2002.

The males have the larger fan shaped tailes. Females' tails are more pointed.

-- Darren (, April 17, 2002.

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