35 cron does not fit into the Bessa T

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I was trying out different lenses onto the Bessa T, out of all the lenes I had, the older version 35/f2 does not fit the camera. The asph version has no problem. The lens can go into the bayonet, but it can not turn to latch. bottom of the camera cavity had some interferrence with the lens focusing mechanism. Does anybody had the same experience?

-- chi cheung (chic@intergate.bc.ca), April 18, 2002


Yes - I believe also the 35 f/1.4 preASPH also will not mount - both 35s have a protective rim around the back element that interferes.

The protective rim can be removed if you're desperate to fit the lens on a Bessa-T.

In addition rumor has it that the new M-mount Bessa-R2 is redesigned slightly to remove the interfering parts of the camera so that unmodified Leica 35s will work - but I can't confirm that.

-- Andy Piper (apidens@denver.infi.net), April 18, 2002.

Hi Everyone!

Andy is right on both counts. The old 'lux 35/1.4 won't fit the Bessa T either. The Bessa R has been modified to accept it--or so the photos I've seen of it tell me.

Anyone seen the R2, held it in your hands, bought it? It has a more professional feel than any of the other Bessas--must be the metal. It also seems a tad quieter. I going to go for the Olive.



-- Alex ShishinHu (shishin@pp.iij4-u.or.jp), April 18, 2002.

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