Want to trade 90mm APO toward 75 Summilux

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I don't suppose there's anyone out there that would be interested in taking a 90mm f:2 APO-ASPH Summicron (as new) in trade against a late-model 75mm Summilux in Ex++ condition?

-- Ben Crabtree (bcrabtree@mn.rr.com), April 18, 2002


Not me, but I think you'd be happy with the sharpness results of the 75 lux (seeings how the 90 is sharp), and obviously the speed. I got some Fuji Provia 100 slides back (no scanner yet) of outings such as the Denver Museum, people, etc., and the results are fantastic. Every bit as nice as my 35 lux in performance. I will especially have to scan the slide of a metal statue of an Indian God (Vishnu I believe), pops out! Also, some do not like the size/weight, but covering the whole museum and going out and about I had no problems with it being around my neck, and I rather like being able to palm the lens in my left hand, holds steady for shots at around 1/15th.

-- James (snodoggydogg@hotmail.com), April 18, 2002.

James if anyone is getting your Summilux for a 90SAA, it's me right? Ben I am in the same position as you. But I think that you shouldn't change if you expect better quality. But for the shorter focal length, faster speed and slightly easier focusing, except for f/1.4, which requires much precision.

Good luck

-- Kristian (leicashot@hotmail.com), April 18, 2002.

Yes, the Aussie gets dibs *grin* How is it down under, mate? Having a g'day? : )

-- James (snodoggydogg@hotmail.com), April 18, 2002.

Hindu God you mean...There are no Indian gods, anymore than there are German or Israeli gods :-)

I'd be very interested to see the scan, and hope to visit the museum some day.

-- Mani Sitaraman (bindumani@pacific.net.sg), April 18, 2002.

Ahhh that's right, sometimes I type faster than I think. Sitaraman, is that an Indian name? That's cool. Anyway, yes I am getting some slides now that motivate me to get a scanner...maybe that Canonscan 4000... : ) When I get it I'll post! Gotta love museum lighting, so dramatic. Check out the museum if you get the chance, the Japanese art is exquisite as well.

-- James (snodoggydogg@hotmail.com), April 19, 2002.

Ben, I use the 75 Summilux and the 90 SAA, and can say that they both are excellent lenses. I find myself using the 75 more, with its slightly wider focal length. Both lenses have approximately the same DOF at their maximum apertures in the near focusing range; in this regard they both are fairly equal in focus criticality. I always regret trading or selling quality equipment. My suggestion is that you consider keeping the 90 SAA, unless focal length is the primary consideration.

-- David (pagedt@chartertn.net), April 19, 2002.

james....first their was "da da da, da da da da", then their was "your swartz is faster than mine"....and then "how is it down under?"

If you want to ask me something, then ask you silly little toy boy you! **grin**

-- Kristian (leicashot@hotmail.com), April 19, 2002.

Oh boy...r u sure you're wanting to get married to a girl? roflmao! Anyway, sorry to say, this gun's for hire strictly for women lol...Is your fiancee jealous yet? *grin*

PS: I know you're just kidding around, you "mates" have quite the humor.

-- James (snodoggydogg@hotmail.com), April 19, 2002.

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