MODERATOR: isn't it possible to have a sales area : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

i think the site would be improved if there was a separate area on the website for posting FOR SALE/WANTS. this is how many special interest fora operate. there has been a real spike in FS posts lately -- i guess people are funding M7 purchases or something. what do you think?? at some point, a large number of FS posts become a real distraction.

-- roger michel (, April 19, 2002


Attempting to fund M7 purchases is perhaps more accurate...


-- J Flesher (, April 19, 2002.

We could also consider adopting a FS on Fridays only posture as is done on most of the other forums...

-- J Flesher (, April 19, 2002.

jack -- remember, you only THINK you want an m7. :>)

-- roger michel (, April 19, 2002.

For sale Friday is a good idea. I am in favor.

-- John (, April 19, 2002.

Thank God it's friday today :-) .

-- Harro de Wilde (, April 19, 2002.

Am I getting blind or even more stupid? How about the department

"For Sale/Wanted to Buy (234)"

in this forum's "Older Messages (by category)" ??

-- Michael Kastner (, April 19, 2002.

mike -- i won't respond to your questions about the possible decline of your mental powers, but the archive category to which you refer is precisely that, an archive for old threads. under discussion here is a way to avoid cluttering the current threads with lots of FS posts. many fora have a "sales corner" or similar where classifieds are listed separately so that those who are interested in buying can view them, but those who come for substance, such as it is, won't have to be bothered.

-- roger michel (, April 19, 2002.

Looks like the FS/WTB category is all we have to work with.

-- Tony Rowlett (, April 19, 2002.

Roger (FYI) and Tony (you already know this): of course, that category I mentioned ("For Sale/Wanted to Buy") is full of archives, but the whole category "New Questions" (usually, thank God) also has titles including "FS" or "WTB". That's why we oldies -- when we see FS or WTB but don't want to buy or sell -- haven't been bothered. We just don't load it but move on.

-- Michael Kastner (, April 22, 2002.

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